
Abbazia di San Giusto,
Tuscania, Località San Giusto,

Strada Consortile delle Poppe/ Strada del Serpe
GPS: 42°23'08"N 11°52'27"E

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Public transport
Unfortunately, you can not reach San Giusto directly via public transport. We will organize a free transfer for you from Tarquinia/Tuscania to San Giusto.

By train

- Tarquinia (suburban train from Rome only, Pisa-Roma line). Trains every 2 hours.

By bus
- Tuscania (Roma - Viterbo, Viterbo - Tuscania)

By car
Highway A1 (Milan-Naples): 
* arriving from the north: exit Orvieto
- then take SR.71 to Montefiascone,
- SP. 8 to Marta, 
- SP. 12 to Tuscania. 
- Once in Tuscania, when you reach Piazza Italia, take via dell’Ulivo (or dell’Olivo) and follow the signs marked "Abbazia di San Giusto" for 4km (keeping always to the left).

* arriving from the south: exit Orte
- then take the SS. 675 Orte-Viterbo, 
- take the exit for Terme di Viterbo, 
- then turn left onto SP. 2 for Tuscania.
- Once in Tuscania, when you reach Piazza Italia, take via dell’Ulivo (or dell’Olivo) and follow the signs marked "Abbazia di San Giusto" for 4km (keeping always to the left).

Strada statale Cassia SS.2:
* arriving from the north: Superstrada Firenze-Siena
- exit: Siena Ovest
- take SP.6 Massetana Romana,
- then take SS. 2 Cassia and follow the signs for Buonconvento/Roma,
- go towards Acquapendente,
- then San Lorenzo Nuovo,
- take SS. 489 towards Gradoli,
- take SS. 312 towards Valentano,
- then SP. 13 towards Tuscania.
- Once in Tuscania, follow th edirections as above.

* arriving from the south: from Rome, take the GRA, Grande Raccordo Anulare
- exit: SS. 2 Bis
- Cassia Veientana Viterbo,
- take SS. 2 to Sutri Vetralla,
- then turn left and continue to Tuscania on the SS. 675 Vetrallese.
- Once in Tuscania, follow th edirections as above.